Deeds Involving Enslaved Persons
in Liberty County Georgia
Estate Settlement (Peter Winn)
Enslaved Persons Named: Ned, Judy, Joshua, Annie, Emeline, March, Charlotte, Joe, Abram On September 7, 1859, E.S. Stevens received of A. [Abial] Winn, administrator of the estate of Peter Winn “the following negroes Viz. Ned, Judy, Josehua, Annie, Emeline, March,
Bill of Sale (Gould/Gould)
Enslaved Persons Named: Emma On August 4, 1859, Sarah M. Gould sold for $773 to Geo. [George] W. Walthour, trustee of Mary C. Gould, “a certain negro woman named Emma about seventeen years old and warranted sound.” Witnessed at Walthourville,
Deed of Gift (Perry/Perry)
Enslaved Persons Named: Sarah, Rose On July 4, 1848, John Perry, Liberty County, gifted to his son John O. Perry “a certain portion of negro property, namely one negro woman named Sarah about sixteen years old and her child Rose
Deed of Gift (Perry/Clark)
Enslaved Persons Named: Dublin, Isreal [alt: Israel], July On August 20, 1859, John Perry, Liberty County, “in consideration of hte natural love and affection” for his daughter Hesther Clark, wife of Richard Clark of Bryan County, “and also of the
Used as Collateral (Miller/Lambert)
Enslaved Persons Named: Abram, Bob, Moses, Affee, Tom, Bess, Rose On August 10, 1859, David A. Miller, W.J. Miller and Joseph N. Miller used as collateral on a promissory note of $856 to the executors of John Lambert (Thomas Mallard,
Bill of Sale (Quarterman/Baker)
Enslaved Persons Named: Jenny On May 3, 1859, Edward W. Quarterman, Liberty County, attorney for William M. Quarterman of Florida, sold for $800 to William Q. Baker, Liberty County, “a negro woman Slave about eighteen years old named Jenny.” Witnessed
Used as Collateral (Varnedoe/Winn)
Enslaved Persons Named: William, Cesar [Caesar], Dinah, Paul, Augustus, Hagar, Mary, Sarah, Racheal, Dianna, Charlotte, Maria, Ned, Solomon, and March On July 1, 1859, Rufus A. Varnedoe, Liberty County, used as collateral on a promissory note of $5250 to W.W.
Used as Collateral (Stacy/Lambert)
Enslaved Persons Named: Samuel, Bill or William On May 25, 1859, John W. Stacy and Milton E. Stacy used as collateral on a promissory note of $608.23 to executors of the estate of John Lambert (Thomas Mallard, Ezra Stacy, William
Used as Collateral (Way/Walthour)
Enslaved Persons Named: Numan [alt: Newman], Seaborn On May 24, 1859, Wm. John Way, Liberty County, used as collateral on a promissory note of $800 to George W. Walthour “”a negro slave by the name Numan [alt: Newman] about eighteen
Used as Collateral (Stacy/Lambert)
Enslaved Persons Named: Samuel, William On May 6, 1859, John W. Stacy and W.E.W. Quarterman used as collateral on a promissory note of $608.29 to executors of John Lambert’s estate (Thomas Mallard, Ezra Stacy, William Q. Baker, William Jones and
Bill of Sale (Quarterman/Fleming)
Enslaved Persons Named: Tom On April 18, 1859, Robert T. Quarterman, Liberty County, sold to Thomas W. Fleming, Liberty County, “the following property to wit; a certain negro boy named Tom about twelve years of age hired by said Robert
Used as Collateral (Way/Fleming)
Enslaved Persons Named: Alonzo On April 7, 1859, William John Way used as collateral on two promissory notes “the following slave viz the boy Alonzo aged about twelve years.” The mortgage was to become void if Way paid the promissory
Deed of Gift (Bacon)
Enslaved Persons Named: France On January 22, 1859, J.E.H. Bacon, Chatham County, gave to his son Oliver T. Bacon “the negro slave France a boy aged about twelve years and valued by me at three hundred dollars.” “This being an
Estate Settlement (Anderson/Jones)
Enslaved Persons Named: Sarah, Leonard, Paul, Will Transcript follows: “Georgia, Liberty County } Whereas the following real estate, to wit a tract of land lying in thesaid county of Liberty adjoining lands of Estate of R.Y. Quarterman lands of
Used as Collateral (Fleming/Axson)
Enslaved Persons Named: Abby, Cyrus, Betsey [alt: Betsy], William, Joe, Louissa [alt: Louisa], Phillis On April 1, 1859, Thomas W. Fleming, Liberty County, used as collateral on a promissory note of $2887 to Rev. I.S.K. Axson, Chatham County, “the following
Used as Collateral (Way/Lambert)
Enslaved Persons Named: Lucy, Molly, Betsey [alt: Betsy] On April 11, 1859, E.B. Way and W. John Way used as collateral on a promissory note of $318 to the executors of John Lambert’s estate (Thomas Mallard, Ezra Stacy, William Q.
Bill of Sale (Baker)
Enslaved Persons Named: Joe, Frank On February 1, 1847, Richard F. Baker, Liberty County, sold for $1500 to James Troup, Elias Reid, and Charles West Senior “Executors of Jacob Wood late of said State deceased, two certain negro Slaves named
Deed of Gift (Hines)
Enslaved Persons Named: Edwin, Augustus, Simon, Anthony, Daphney On February 11, 1859, Ann M. Hines, Bryan County, gifted to her children Edward H. and Carlin C. Hines, Liberty County, “the following described property to wit – one negro man named
Estate Settlement (Winn)
Enslaved Persons Named: Prime, M. Susan, Tyrah, Cornelia, Josephine, Mary, Hannah, August, Betty, P.L. Hagar, Dolly, Old Jack, July, Nelly’s Frank, Ginny, Prentice, Pauldo, Affy and Phillis & Rose’s Frank On February 11, 1859, W.J. Winn executed a receipt to
Used as Collateral (Quarterman)
Enslaved Persons Named: Mars, Jim, Ward, Tenah, China [looked like Chaney in a different document], Miley, Lewis, Prince, Caty, Jonah, and Nero On February 21, 1859, Thomas W. Quarterman used as collateral on a promissory notes of $800 and $2900
Used as Collateral (Way/Way)
Enslaved Persons Named: Sary, Barrack [alt: Barack], Nancy On January 22, 1859, Dr. Samuel Way, Liberty County, used as collateral on a promissory note of $631.33 to Edward Quarterman, McIntosh County, agent for Rev. Richard Q. Way of China “the
Estate Settlement (Quarterman)
Enslaved Persons Named: Jim, Tenah, Chaney [alt: Chany, China], Miley, Mars, Lewis On January 22, 1859, Jas. [James] S. McCollough, Trustee, received from Geo. [George] W. Walthour Executor of the estate of Thomas Quarterman the note of Thos. [Thomas] W.
Marriage Contract (Winn/Fleming)
Enslaved Persons Named: Francis, Charles, Chana [Clara? China?], Hesta [Hester?], Rose, Jim, Sally, William, Alfred, Dianna, Isaac, Cinder, Charlotte On February 16, 1859, William John Winn and Mary Eliza Fleming contracted a marriage agreement, with W.A. Fleming and John S.
Release of Claim (Quarterman)
Enslaved Persons Named: Billy On February 9, 1859, Thos. [Thomas] W. Fleming, agent for Miss Hettie A. Quarterman, executed this deed: “State of Georgia, Liberty County } For and in consideration of the sum of five dollars to me in
Used as Collateral (Way/Fraser)
Enslaved Persons Named: March On February 1, 1859, Thomas G. Way used as collateral on a promissory note of $266 to Simon A. Fraser, both of Liberty County, “the following property to wit a certain negro boy named March of
Liberty County Estate Inventory – Mrs. Hannah M. Varnedoe
Location: Liberty County, Georgia Deceased: Varnedoe, Hannah M. (Mrs) Date Sworn: 1858-12-16 Appraisers: S.S. Barnard, Jos. R. Bacon, Wm. [William] Jones Estate Guardian: Leander Varnedoe Court Officer: Not listed Date Recorded: 1859-02-22 Recording Official: S.A. Fraser, Clerk Total Value of
Used as Collateral (Way/Lambert Estate)
Enslaved Persons Named: Julia, Dick On January 27, 1859, W. John Way and E.Q. Way used as collateral on a promissory note of $642 to executors of John Lambert’s estate (Thomas Mallard, Ezra Stacy, William Q. Baker, William Jones and
Deed of Gift (Perry/Perry)
Enslaved Persons Named: Old Sam, Young Sam, Jane On May 1, 1858, John Perry, Liberty County, gave to his son Stephen S. perry “the following negro slaves viz. Old Sam aged about twenty five years, Young Sam aged about nine
Marriage Contract (Freeman/Quarterman)
Enslaved Persons Named: Sam, Jane, Malissa [alt: Melissa], Richard, Sue, Peter, Maza, Racheal [alt: Rachael, Rachel] and Lindy On December 22, 1858, Milo S. Freeman, formerly of Macon but “more recently of Savannah,” and Harriet Augusta Quarterman of Walthourville, Liberty
Intent to Sell (Crawford)
Enslaved Persons Named: Ben “White Sulphur Springs, Ga, Decr 23d, 1858. Dear Brother, I apply to you as my Trustee and request you would sell a negro slave named Ben that fell to me at the division of the Estate
Estate Settlement (Benjamin Lane)
Enslaved Persons Named: Abram, Frederick, Drusilla, Jim, Moses, Sam, Sary, Nancy, Amy and Henry “Georgia, Liberty County } Know all men by these presents that we Sarah Rebecca Lane widow of Benjamin Lane deceased of said County – Orrin S.
Used as Collateral (Jones/Jones)
Enslaved Persons Named: Boston, Willoby, James, Jose Randal F. Jones, of Riceboro, Liberty County, used as collateral on a promissory note of $1000 to Laura C. Jones “the following negro slaves viz. Boston, aged about thirty years, Willoby [alt: Willoughby,
Loan (Hines/Sandiford)
Enslaved Persons Named: Jenny “State of Georgia, Liberty County } Received of C. Hines Esqr. a certain negro girl by name Jenny about fourteen years of age, which he has been kind enough to loan me, and I do hereby
Bill of Sale (Winn/Varnedoe)
Enslaved Persons Named: Jupiter, York On December 8, 1858, Wm. [William] W. Winn, Liberty County, sold for $2000 to S.M. Varnedoe, Liberty County, “two certain negro slaves viz. Jupiter and York.” Witnessed by H.M. Stevens, Jno. [John] B. Mallard, J.I.C.L.C.
Used as Collateral (Stevens/Summersall)
Enslaved Persons Named: Eve, Peggy On February 23, 1857, John Stevens, Liberty County, planter, used as collateral on a promissory note of $500 to James Summersall, Liberty County, merchant, “the following property viz. One tract of land containing one hundred
Deed of Gift (Girardeau/Fennell)
Enslaved Persons Named: Smart On November 19, 1858, William P. Girardeau, Liberty County, gifted to his daughter Mary E. Fennell, wife of John N. Fennell, Liberty County, through her trustees, James R. Bird and John E. Girardeau, Liberty County, “a
Used as Collateral (Varnedoe)
Enslaved Persons Named: William, Cesar [alt: Caesar], Dinah, Paul, Augustus, Hargar [alt: Hagar], Mary, Jane, Sarah, Augusta, Malissa, Abnah, Racheal, Dianna, Charlotte, Susannah, Maria, and Solomon On December 12, 1857, R.A. Varnedoe, Liberty County, used as collateral on a promissory
Marriage Contract (Varnedoe/Crawford)
Enslaved Persons Named: Isaac, Hannah and her children Billy, Isaiah, Nancy, Toby, Martha and her children Cato, Prime, London, Jane, Noble, Cornelia & Patsey and old Nancy On November 16, 1858, Matilda Varnedoe, Liberty County, entered into a marriage contract
Bill of Sale (Varnedoe)
Enslaved Persons Named: Joe, Isaac, Hannah, Billy, Isaiah, Nancy, Toby, Martha, Cato, Prime, Louissa [alt: Louisa], Jane, Cornelia, Noble, Patsy, and old Nancy On November 15, 1858, Matilda Varnedoe, Liberty County, sold to Samuel M. Varnedoe, Liberty County, for $2000
Deed of Gift (Perry)
Enslaved Persons Named: John, Susan, Francis On September 6, 1858, John Perry, Liberty County, gifted to his son Samuel H. Perry, Liberty County, “the following negro slaves viz. John aged twenty one years Susan aged seventeen years and Francis aged
Deed of Gift (Dasher)
Enslaved Persons Named: Rose, Flemmon, Sarenia, Will On November 23, 1855, Joshua Dasher, Tattnal County, gave to his wife Mary C. Dasher “the following negro slaves Rose, Flemmon, Sarenia and Will” “for and in consideration of the natural love and
Used as Collateral (Lyons, Busby, Trask/Lambert)
Enslaved Persons Named: Nanny, Amelia, Henry, Milly On October 7, 1858, F.R. Lyons, B.A. Busby & W.B. Trask used as collateral on a promissory note of $527.77 to the executors of John Lambert’s estate (Thomas Mallard, Ezra Stacy, William Q.
Used as Collateral
Enslaved Persons Named: Lucy, Charlotte John V. Wells, Liberty County, used as collateral on a promissory note of $518.17 to Henry Long, Liberty County, “the following property to wit two certain negroes Lucy and her child Charlotte both of yellow
Used as Collateral (Nevill/Jones)
Enslaved Persons Named: Ellen, Lucy, Julia On June 3, 1858, John Nevill, Liberty County, recorded that John Jones of Savannah “has become security” for notes to E.F. Mood for $244.15, to Foot & ?Dandon? For $400.15 and two notes to
Used as Collateral (Jones/Harden)
Enslaved Persons Named: Dick, Julia, Phillis, Bess, Maggy, Elsy, Clarrissa [alt: Clarissa], Louissa [alt: Louisa], Fanny, Bella, Hagah [Hagar?], George, Juno, Agrippa, Leah, Tony On January 29, 1858, William Jones, Liberty County, used as collateral on a promissory note of
Estate Settlement (Smylie)
Enslaved Persons Named: Mom, Racheal [alt: Rachel, Rachael], Sarah, Lenard “Received December 7 1857 of James Smylie Executor on Est. of James Smylie deceased Morn* [alt: Mourn] a woman valued at $3000 Racheal [alt: Rachel, Rachael] a woman valued at
Estate Settlement (Smylie/Martin)
Enslaved Persons Named: Georgia “Received December 1857 of James Smylie Executor on Est. of James Smylie deceased ($400) four hundred acres of land including Plantation and improvements valued at twelve hundred dollars and a girl named Georgia valued at ($800)
Discharge of Trust (Baker)
Enslaved Persons Named: Rose, Charles, Patty, Phillis, Will, Phoebe, Harriet, Lavania, Kate, Will, Phillis, William and London “Georgia, Liberty County } Know all men that whereas on the twelfth day of July in the year 1842 and recorded in the
Used as Collateral (Way/Bacon)
Enslaved Persons Named: Ishmeal [alt: Ishmael], Prince Sary, and Lucy On March 28, 1857, Henry Way used as collateral on a promissory note of $679.47 to Jos. R. Bacon “the following negro Slaves to wit, Ishmeal [alt: Ishmael], Prince Sary,
List of Property (Sheppard)
Enslaved Persons Named: Sam, Bob, Neger, Bram, Isreal, Charles, Jim, Bess, Pompy [alt: Pompey], Louissa, Esther, Samuel, Raymond, Betty, Matilda, Hagar, Sarena, Amelia, Sarah, Renday, Stephen, John, Simon, Abram, Ben “State of Georgia, Liberty County } The following is a