They Had Names

African Americans in Early Records of Liberty County, Georgia

Marriage Contract (Winn/Fleming)

Enslaved Persons Named: Francis, Charles, Chana [Clara? China?], Hesta [Hester?], Rose, Jim, Sally, William, Alfred, Dianna, Isaac, Cinder, Charlotte

On February 16, 1859, William John Winn and Mary Eliza Fleming contracted a marriage agreement, with W.A. Fleming and John S. Fleming acting as her trustees. Noting that she “is entitled in her own right to a considerable real and personal estate” and that she may at some point have further estate, it was agreed that her present and future property should be put into a trust held by W.A. Fleming and John S. Fleming. The trust consisted of “one fourth of the house and lot situated in Walthourville and two tracts of land lying on road leading from Riceboro to Walthourville one lying north of said road called Black Berry Hill containing two hundred acres more or less and one lying south of said road called Ash Swamp containing three hundred and eighty acres more or less together with the appurtenances thereunto belonging and the following named Slaves thirteen in number (viz) Francis, Charles, Chana [Clara?], Hesta [Hester?], Rose, Jim, Sally, William, Alfred, Dianna, Isaac, Cinder, Charlotte, together with the future issue and increase of the females above named.” Conditions of inheritance were specified. Witnessed by Geo. [George] W. Walthour, W.Q. Baker, P.W. Fleming. Probated by P.W. Fleming. Recorded in February 18, 1859. 

Source: Family Liberty County Superior Court “Deeds and mortgages, 1777-1920; general index to deeds and mortgages, 1777-1958,” Film: Deeds & Mortgages, v. O-P 1854-1870,” Record Book O, p 466-467. Image #282. (Link: