Manumission (Boston)
Transcribed from “Acts and Resolutions of the General Assembly”: “(No. 534.)An Act to manumit a negro man slave, named Boston, the property of E.B. Way, Catharine P. Wheeler, Thomas B. Wheeler, H.R. Wheeler and Eugene Bacon of the State of Georgia and county of Liberty, and John Savage of the county of Chatham, and State […]
Sam Hired as Chief Watchman – Midway Church
Transcribed from records of the Midway Congregational Church. “Extra Session – Dec’r 14, 1833” “Rev. R. Quarterman, Chairman. Mr. Samuel Spencer reported that he had conferred with Mr. Eugene Bacon the owner of Sam a coloured man and had made a condition and bargain with Mr. B. for his services for one year. Whereupon – […]
1865 Letter to Freedmen’s Bureau
The University of Maryland’s Freedmen & Southern Society Project has put online a letter written on November 28, 1865, four freed Liberty County slaves to the Freedmen’s Bureau at Savannah. The letter describes the conditions for freed people in Liberty County at the time and is signed by: William GoldenToney GoldenGabriel AndrewsToney Axon [alt: Axson] […]
Discharge of Trust (Baker)
Enslaved Persons Named: Rose, Charles, Patty, Phillis, Will, Phoebe, Harriet, Lavania, Kate, Will, Phillis, William and London “Georgia, Liberty County } Know all men that whereas on the twelfth day of July in the year 1842 and recorded in the clerks office of the Superior Court of said County in Book M. folio 457, my […]
List of Property (Sheppard)
Enslaved Persons Named: Sam, Bob, Neger, Bram, Isreal, Charles, Jim, Bess, Pompy [alt: Pompey], Louissa, Esther, Samuel, Raymond, Betty, Matilda, Hagar, Sarena, Amelia, Sarah, Renday, Stephen, John, Simon, Abram, Ben “State of Georgia, Liberty County } The following is a list of the negroes belonging to Rosa A. William A. and D.W. Sheppard children of […]
Deed of Manumission for Harriet Golden
Title: Deed of Manumission by Charlton Hines Georgia, Liberty County } Having for good and sufficient reasons felt it to be my duty, I have permitted a mulatto woman by the name of Harriet Golden to enjoy, as far as the laws of this State would allow, all the privileges of freedom. And it is […]