They Had Names

African Americans in Early Records of Liberty County, Georgia

Blog Posts

As I sift through the old records of Liberty County, Georgia, looking for documents that name enslaved and free African Americans, sometimes stories, important details, research tips, etc, jump out at me. This is a place to document those. Even if you are not researching Liberty County, these may give you ideas that apply to your own research elsewhere.

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Does Liberty County have tax records naming enslaved people?

Ever have an item on your “to-do” list that stays there for years because you know it will open up a time-consuming can of worms? I got to cross one of those off recently. Not because I did it. Because it turns out it didn’t need doing. Several years ago I ran across an article in the Liberty County Coastal Courier that claimed the existence of antebellum Liberty County tax records that contained the names

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What’s Happening at They Had Names in 2025

The Liberty County Martin Luther King Jr Observance Association put on a wonderful series of events in January. During their awards ceremony, Flanders Pray, a freedman who was one of Liberty County’s first African American teachers after the Civil War and an inspirational community leader, was given the Lifetime Achievement Award. A large group of his descendants accepted the award on his behalf, and to my complete surprise, the family called me up to the

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Putting FamilySearch’s Experimental Full-Text Search to the Test: A Case Study

Have you heard of FamilySearch’s experimental search feature that allows searching the full text of U.S. county land, probate and court records? It’s definitely a game-changer but how well is it working now in November 2024? I have a website where I put abstracts of Liberty County, Georgia, records naming enslaved people. I’ve gone page by page through through all the antebellum Liberty County deed, wills and estate inventory records available on FamilySearch, abstracting any

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Child of USCT Soldier Quash Fripp: Rebecca Fripp Green West of Beaufort County, South Carolina (1874-1962)

Rebecca Fripp Green West was born in St. Helena Township, Beaufort County, South Carolina, around 1874, and lived most of her life there except during one of her marriages. Her parents were Quash and Mollie Fripp, formerly enslaved people of South Carolina. Quash Fripp was a private in the 33d U.S. Colored Troop during the Civil War. Not all of Quash and Mollie Fripp’s children were enumerated in census records, and neither were all of

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Rev. James Shannon and the People He Held in Slavery

Reverend James Shannon, who immigrated from Ireland to Liberty County, Georgia, in 1820, was an influential clergyman, educator and college administrator in Georgia, Louisiana, Kentucky and Missouri. His early experiences in Liberty County, where he married a woman who had inherited enslaved people, resulted in his becoming an outspoken and fiery proponent of slavery. As head of the University of Missouri at Columbia and the first president of Culver-Stockton College in Missouri, his pro-slavery advocacy

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Flanders Pray – A Community Leader

As the Civil War ground to an end, Liberty County, Georgia, was in disarray. It had been raided by Sherman’s Army, white families had fled their homes, and people held in slavery had been moved to other locations or left to fend for themselves. Many had scattered to follow the Army or find their own ways. Leaders — like young Flanders Pray, a formerly enslaved man — stepped up into the chaotic post-war environment to

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Typical or Atypical? The Shave Family of Liberty County, Georgia

Shavetown is a small community in eastern Liberty County, on the road from the Midway Congregational Church to Fleming. Recently I was asked if I knew why it was called Shavetown, since my 2d great-grandmother was a Shave. That research question sent me on a deep dive into what was in many ways both a typical Liberty County antebellum planter family — and also a completely atypical family. John Shave was among the group of

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Bryan County, Georgia, Deed Book E (1830-1840) – A Rich Record Set

As Tropical Storm Debby bears down on us here on the Georgia coast, I’ve finished up Bryan County Superior Court Deed Book E (1830-1840), which contained the names of 650+ enslaved people and a wealth of records for people searching for their enslaved ancestors. Normally I’m strict about only working on Liberty County records, but there is so much overlap with neighboring Bryan County, and the Bryan County probate records from before the Civil War

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995 Names from Bryan County, Georgia

Bryan County, Georgia, neighbors Liberty County, where I normally research, and was partially formed from it in 1796. Although Bryan County’s probate records appeared to have all been lost in a fire in 1866, its antebellum deed records are a rich trove of records containing the names of enslaved people. I recently went through the deed records for 1796-1829 (deed books A-D) and have added references to 995 names of enslaved people to the

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No Matter How Much It Hurts

In 2017, when I realized that my 4th great-grandfather’s will had the names of 11 people held in slavery by him, I learned that of the 11 people, eight were a family. Sibby was their mother, and her seven children were Andrew, Toby, Toney, Frank, Elitha (Lizia, Litha), Sandy, and Clayton. After Emancipation, the ones who survived each took a different surname: Andrew Law, Toby Ashmore, Toney West, Frank Williams, and Sandy Maybank. Elitha died

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