List of African-American Names and Possible Variant Spellings
Following is a list of the names of enslaved African Americans seen in Liberty County court records and possible variant spellings, for use in constructing search queries for this site. One method for using this list is to type Ctrl-f, then type the version of the name you have into the search blank that pops up and press “enter.” This should take you to any line containing that spelling, which may give you other spellings.
Aaron | |
Abbey | Abby |
Abe | Abraham |
Aberdeen | |
Abigail | |
Abner | |
Abraham | Abe |
Abram | Bram |
Absalom | |
Adam | Addam |
Addison | |
Adeline | Adaline |
Affee | Affey, Affy, Affie |
Agnes | Aggy |
Agrippa | Grippa |
Albert | |
Aleck | Alic, Alleck, Ellick |
Alex | |
Alford | |
Alfred | Alphred |
Alice | |
Alissa | Lissa, Lyssa |
Alleck | Ellick |
Allen | |
Alley | Ally |
Almira | Elmira |
Alphonso | |
Amanda | |
Amarintha | |
Amaritta | Ameritta |
Amelia | |
Amey | Amy |
Aminty | |
Amos | |
Anabel | |
Andrew | |
Angeline | Angaline, Agelina |
Ann | |
Anna | |
Anne | |
Annetta | |
Annette | Annett, Annetta |
Annie | |
Anthony | Antoney, Anthoney, Anthoney |
April | |
Arandan | |
Archy | |
Arrington | |
Arthur | |
August | |
Augustus | |
Austin | |
Bacchus | Baccus |
Balaam | |
Balinda | Belinda |
Bama | |
Barak | Barrick, Barack, Barrack |
Barbary | |
Baron | |
Bartholomew | |
Bartos | |
Bathus | |
Battesca | |
Battice | Battees, Batteece, Battiece |
Battus | |
Becca | Becka |
Beck | |
Becky | Beckey |
Belfast | |
Bella | Bellah |
Bellar ? | |
Belle | |
Benjamin | Ben |
Bess | |
Betsey | Betsy |
Bett | |
Betty | Bettey |
Beulah | Bulah |
Bill | Billy, Billey |
Bina | Binah |
Binkey | |
Bob | |
Bobby | |
Bode | |
Bonapart | |
Booby | |
Boston | |
Bounty | |
Bram | Abram |
Brister | Bristor |
Bristol | |
Bruto | |
Brutus | |
Buck | |
Bunch | |
Burgo | |
Cadmus | |
Caesar | Ceasar, Cesar |
Cain | |
Cain (Driver) | Cane, Came |
Caleb | |
Candace | Candis, Candice |
Carolina | Caroline |
Caron | |
Cassandra | Cassander |
Cassius | Cashus |
Cate | Kate |
Catherina | |
Catherine | Catharena, Catherina, Catrina |
Cato | |
Caty | Katy |
Celia | Celie, Celea |
Century | |
Cephas | Siphas |
Champ | |
Champion | |
Chaney | |
Charity | |
Charles | Charley, Charly |
Charlotte | Charlot, Charlott |
Charly | |
Chatham | |
Cherry | |
Chessor | Chesser |
China | |
Chittis (?) | |
Chloe | Cloe, Cloy |
Chona (??) | |
Christina | |
Cicero | |
Cilla | Cillah, Scilla |
Cinda | Scinda, Cinder |
Cinder | Cinda |
Clara | |
Clarinda | |
Clarissa | Clarrissa |
Clarra | Clara |
Clayton | |
Clem | |
Clementina | |
Coco | |
Columbus | |
Cook | |
Cooter | Cuter |
Cora | Corah |
Cormus | |
Cornelia | |
Cornelius | |
Cracker | |
Crawford | |
Creamen ? | |
Cretia | Cresha, Cressia |
Cudjo | Cudjoe |
Cuff | Cuffee, Cuffy |
Culy | |
Cumba | |
Cupid | Cupt |
Cyfax | Cyphax, Syphax |
Cyrus | Cyris, Syrus |
Czar | |
Dafney | Daphne, Daphney |
Daniel | |
Daphne | Dafney |
Darky | |
David | |
Debby | Debbie |
December | Decimber |
Delia | Deliah |
Dembo | |
Dennis | |
Derry | |
Diana | Dianah, Dianna, Diannah, Dianne |
Dick | |
Die | Dye |
Dinah | |
Diner | |
Dispatch | |
Doctor | |
Doll | |
Donam | |
Dorah | |
Dorcas | |
Dove (?) | |
Drusilla | Druscilla |
Dublin | |
Dublin | |
Duffy | |
Dydimus | |
Dye | Die |
Eadia | Eady, Edy, Edie |
Easter | |
Edmund | Edmond |
Edward | |
Edwin | |
Elcy | Elsy, Elsey |
Elen | |
Elenor | Elinor, Eleanor |
Elick | Alick, Alleck, Alec, Ellick |
Elitha | |
Eliza | |
Elizabeth | |
Ella | |
Ellen | |
Elliott | |
Elsey | Elcy, Elsy |
Elvina | |
Elvira | |
Emeline | Emmeline |
Emily | |
Emma | |
Enoch | |
Ephraim | |
Esau | |
Esther | |
Eva | |
Evans | |
Eve | |
Fancy | |
Fannie | Fanny |
Farmer | |
Fay | |
Felix | Phellix |
Ferdinand | |
Fillis | Phillis |
Flander | Flanders |
Flora | Florah |
Florinda | |
Floyd | |
Fortune | |
France | |
Frances | |
Francis | |
Frank | |
Friday | |
Gamboe | |
Gabriel | Gabrael |
Garrison | |
General | |
Genny | Jenny, Jeny |
George | |
Georgia | |
Georgiana | Georgia Ann, Georgiann |
Gibb | |
Gilbert | |
Giles | |
Ginney | Jenny, Jeny, Genny |
Gosport | |
Grace | |
Green | |
Grippa | Agrippa |
Gritta | |
Guinea | |
Hagar | |
Halbrook | Holbrook |
Hamlet | Hamlett |
Handy | |
Hannah | Hanna |
Hannibal | Hanibal |
Hardtimes | |
Harriet | Hariet, Hariot, Harriet |
Harrold | Harold |
Harry | Hary |
Hartwell | |
Hary | Harry |
Hastings | Hasting |
Hector | |
Helen | Hellen |
Henrietta | |
Henry | |
Hercules | Harculas, Hurcules |
Hessy | |
Hester | |
Hetty | |
Hillington | |
Holly | |
Horace | |
Hosea | |
Hucky | |
Ida | |
Irene | |
Isaac | |
Isabel | |
Isabella | |
Isaiah | |
Ishmael | |
Israel | |
Jack | |
Jack | |
Jackson | |
Jacky | |
Jacob | |
Jain | |
Jalbo | |
James | |
Jane | |
January | |
Janus | |
Jean | |
Jemima | Jamima |
Jemmie | Jemima |
Jennette | |
Jenny | Genny |
Jerry | |
Jesse | |
Jim | |
Jimmy | |
Joan | |
Joanna | |
Joe | |
John | |
Johney | |
Johnson | |
Jonas | |
Joseph | |
Josephine | |
Josey | |
Joshua | |
Josiah | |
Juba | |
Jude | |
Judith | |
Judson | |
Judy | |
Julia | |
Julia Ann | |
Julian | |
July | |
June | |
Junius | |
Juno | |
Jupiter | |
Kate | Cate |
Katy | Catie |
Keziah | |
Kifee | Kissee |
Kit | |
Kneller | |
Kudy | |
Lafayyette | |
Lancaster | |
Laura | |
Laurence | |
Lavinia | Laviniah, Levenia, Livinia, Livenia |
Lawrence | Lawrance |
Lazarus | |
Leah | |
Leander | |
Leonard | |
Letitia | |
Lettice | |
Letty | |
Levi | |
Lewis | |
Lewiser | |
Liddy | |
Lilla | |
Lily | Lilly |
Limerick | |
Linda | Lindy |
Lindy | Linda |
Lirby | |
Lissey | |
Litha | Elitha, Elizia |
Liverpool | |
Livia | |
Lizzie | Lizzy |
Logan | |
London | |
Lora | Laura |
Louis | |
Louisa | Louissa |
Lucey | Lucy |
Lucien | |
Lucilla | |
Lucinda | |
Luck | |
Lucretia | |
Lucy | Lucey |
Luis | |
Luke | |
Lydia | |
Lymus | |
Lyssy | Lizzy |
Lyzzy | Lizzy |
Mack | |
Madelaine | Madelane |
Madison | |
Mag | |
Major | |
Malbis | |
Malboro | Malborough, Marlboro, Marlborough |
Mally | Mallie, Melley |
Malvina | |
Manan (?) | |
Mara | Maza |
March | |
Margaret | |
Maria | Mariah, Marriah, Murriah |
Mariam | |
Marlboro | Malboro, Marlborough |
Marsha | |
Marshall | |
Martha | |
Martia | |
Mary | |
Mary Ann | |
Matilda | |
Matty | Mattie |
Maurice | maybe Morris, Morice |
May | |
Maza | Mara |
Mazer | |
Melia | Amelia, Mally, Mallie, Melley |
Melissa | |
Mentor | |
Meshech | |
Middy | |
Mike | |
Miley | Milley, Milly, Mily, Mille |
Milton | |
Mina | |
Minda | |
Minder | |
Minervah | |
Mingo | |
Minty | |
Moll | |
Molly | |
Monday | |
Monk | |
Morice | Maurice |
Morning | |
Morris | |
Moses | |
Muner ? | |
Murriah | |
Myra | |
Nan | |
Nancy | Nancey (and check Nanny) |
Nanny | Nanney, Nany (and check Nancy) |
Nat | |
Ned | |
Neddy ?? | |
Negah | |
Neger | Niger |
Nelly | |
Nelson | |
Nero | |
Newton | |
Niger | Neger |
Nimrod | Nimrood |
Nippia | Nippy |
November | |
Orange | |
Oscar | |
Owen | |
Paris | Parres |
Patience | |
Patsy | Patsey |
Patty | |
Paul | |
Pegg | Peg |
Peggy | |
Penah | |
Pender | |
Penta | |
Peny | |
Perry | Pery |
Peter | |
Pharaoh | |
Phebe | Phoebe, Phebee, Pheby, Phoby, Feby |
Phebus | |
Philip | Phillip |
Phillida | |
Philliday | |
Phillis | Philis, Phillice, Filis, Fillis, Phyllis |
Phoby | |
Phoebe | see Phebe |
Plato | |
Plenty | |
Pluto | |
Plymouth | |
Polidore | Polydore |
Pollux | |
Polly | |
Pollydore | Polidore |
Polydore | Poladore, Polidore |
Pompey | Pompy |
Porter | |
Porteus ? | |
Posey | |
Priam | |
Pricilla | Priscilla, Prisilla |
Prime | [check Primos] |
Primos | Primus, Primas |
Prince | |
Princess | |
Pulaski | Polaski |
Pussey | Pussy |
Quash | |
Quetta | |
Rachel | Rachael |
Rakey | Raka, Raky, Raca |
Raksy (?) | |
Ranchy | Renchie, Renchy |
Rebecca | Rebeca |
Redriff | |
Renchy | Ranchy, Renchie |
Reuben | |
Rhina | Rina, Rinah, Rhinah [also check Bina and Binah] |
Richard | |
Richmond | |
Rindy (?) | |
Ritta | Retta, Rhitta, Rhetta |
Ritter | probably Ritta |
Robbin | Robin |
Robert | |
Robin | Robbin |
Robinson | |
Roky | |
Romeo | |
Rosa | Rose |
Rosanna | Rosana |
Rose | Rosa |
Rosella | |
Rosena | |
Rosetta | |
Rosey | Rosy, Rose, Rosa |
Rosina | Rosine |
Roxanna | |
Rulah | |
Russel | |
Ruth | |
Sabina | |
Sal | |
Salenah | Salina, Salenah |
Sally | Sallie |
Sam | |
Sambo | |
Sammy | |
Sampson | |
Samson | |
Samuel | |
Sancho | |
Sandy | |
Sapho | Sappho |
Sarah | |
Sarah Ann | |
Sarena | Sarina |
Sary | Sairy |
Sary | Sari |
Satira | |
Saul | |
Scina ?? | |
Scinda ?? | probably Cinda |
Scipio | Scippio |
Scylla | Cilla, Cella, Silla, Sylla |
Seaborn | |
Selina | Salina, Salinah |
Semmer | |
September | |
Serena | |
Shadrach | |
Sharper | |
Sheba | |
Shem | |
Sibby | Sibbi, Siby |
Silla | Sillah, Cilla, Psylla, Sylla |
Siller | probably Silla |
Silva | [check Sylvia, Silvia] |
Silvey | Silvy |
Silvia | Sylvia |
Sim | |
Simeon | |
Simon | |
Sina | Sinah, Siny |
Siner | probably Sina |
Sippero | probably Cippero |
Sloomy | |
Smart | |
Sofey | Sophy, Sophie |
Solomon | Soloman |
Sophia | Sofia |
Sophy | Sofy |
Stafford | |
Staffy | |
Starling | |
Stephen | Steven |
Stepney | |
Steven | Stephen |
Subina | Sabina |
Suckey | Sukey, Sucky |
Sue | |
Sulphur | |
Susan | |
Susannah | |
Suzy | |
Sylva | |
Sylvey | |
Sylvia | |
Tamar | |
Tamerlane | |
Tarter | |
Taymour | |
Taytor | |
Tena | Tina, Tenah, Tener |
Tennessee | |
Tenor | Tener, Tena |
Theresa | |
Thomas | |
Tilla | |
Tim | |
Tira | Tirah, Tyra, Tyrah |
Titus | |
Toby | |
Tom | |
Toney | Tony |
Tony | Toney |
Tresa | Teresa |
Tyone | |
Tyra | Tyrah, Tira |
Tyrone | |
Valin (?) | |
Venice | |
Venus | |
Vermont | |
Victoria | |
Violet | Vilot |
Walker | |
Walley | Wally |
Warwick | |
Washington | Washinton |
Wesly | Wesley |
Wilcher | |
Will | |
William | |
Willie | Willy |
Willoby | Willoughby |
Willy | Willie |
Windsor | |
Winter | |
Worick | Warwick |
Wrenchy | Renchie, Rency |
York | |
Zet | Zett |
Zipporah |