Location: Liberty County, Georgia
Deceased: LeConte, Lewis
Date Sworn: 1838-07-12
Appraisers: Charlton Hines, Geo. [George] W. Walthour, Wm. [William] Jones
Estate Administrator: Wm. [William] LeConte
Court Officer: S. Spencer, J.I.C.L.C.
Date Recorded: 1838-08-10
Recording Official: E. Way, Clerk
Total Value of Property Appraised: Totals not given
Value of enslaved persons: Totals not given
Comments: Lots nos. 1, 2, 3, and 5 remained within the estate. Lot no. 6 was drawn by Dr. J.M.B. Harden, and Lot no. 4 by W. LeConte.
NOTE: This division was found in the Liberty County Superior Court deed records. An estate inventory and appraisal done the same day has been extracted separately, as it was found in the Court of Ordinary probate records. See https://theyhadnames.net/2019/08/20/liberty-county-estate-inventory-louis-leconte/.
Enslaved | Value | Desc. | Lot |
Simon | 700 | 1 | |
Lizzy | 575 | 1 | |
Renchy | 350 | [alt: Renchie] | 1 |
Rosanna | 250 | [alt: Rosanna, Rosana] | 1 |
Mescheck | 150 | [alt: Meshach, Mescheck, Meshack, Meshick] | 1 |
Madalone | 75 | 1 | |
Ned | 700 | 1 | |
Sandy | 700 | 1 | |
Minda | 600 | 1 | |
Harriet | 250 | 1 | |
May | 150 | [probably Mary, but clearly written as May] | 1 |
Peggy | 100 | child | 1 |
Moses | 700 | 1 | |
Phoebe | 600 | 1 | |
Affy | 75 | “Y Affy” [presumed to stand for Young Affy] | 1 |
Isaac | 700 | 1 | |
Beck | 550 | 1 | |
Hetty | 450 | 1 | |
Doll | 325 | 1 | |
Lindy | 300 | 1 | |
Adaline | 225 | 1 | |
Washinton | 175 | [alt: Washington] | 1 |
Lettice | 100 | [alt: Lettuce] | 1 |
Anthoney | 700 | [Anthoney (D)] [D presumably stands for Driver] [alt: Antoney, Anthony, Toney] | 1 |
Louisa | 400 | “O. Louisa” [presumably stands for Old Louisa] | 1 |
Chloe | 600 | 1 | |
Delia | 450 | “Y. Delia” [presumably stands for Young Delia] | 1 |
Amanda | 350 | 1 | |
Silvia | 550 | [alt: Sylvia] | 1 |
Galbo | 100 | 1 | |
Rose | 50 | 1 | |
Molly | 550 | 1 | |
Amy | 600 | [alt: Amey] | 1 |
Abram | 350 | 1 | |
Affy | 300 | 1 | |
Selina | 600 | 1 | |
Maryann | 100 | [alt: Mary Ann] | 1 |
Charlotte | 10 | “O Charlotte” [presumably stands for Old Charlotte] | 1 |
Delia | 100 | “O Delia” [presumably stands for Old Delia] | 1 |
Peter | 700 | 2 | |
Polly | 500 | 2 | |
Henry | 500 | 2 | |
Neger | 475 | [alt: Niger] | 2 |
Raky | 450 | [alt: Raca, Raka, Rakey] | 2 |
Caroline | 350 | 2 | |
Grace | 250 | 2 | |
Charles | 700 | 2 | |
Will | 700 | 2 | |
Cinder | 600 | [alt: Cinda] | 2 |
Edmond | 175 | 2 | |
Sharper | 75 | 2 | |
Prime | 700 | 2 | |
Dianna | 600 | [alt: Diana] | 2 |
Bob | 450 | 2 | |
Tenah | 350 | 2 | |
Retta | 600 | [alt: Ritta] | 2 |
Elick | 600 | [alt: Ellick] | 2 |
Joshua | 400 | 2 | |
William | 300 | 2 | |
Lancaster | 200 | 2 | |
Hester | 75 | “O. Hester” [presumably stands for Old Hester] | 2 |
Jack | 700 | “B. Jack” [presumably stands for Big Jack] | 2 |
Eliza | 350 | 2 | |
Andrew | 700 | 2 | |
Sary | 450 | [alt: Sarah] | 2 |
Anthony | 500 | “Y. Anthony” [presumably stands for Young Anthony] [alt: Anthoney] | 2 |
Phillip | 250 | [alt: Philip] | 2 |
Jane | 175 | “Y. Jane” [presumably stands for Young Jane] | 2 |
Jamima | 100 | [alt: Jemima] | 2 |
Tena | 600 | [alt: Tenah] | 2 |
Mariah | 175 | 2 | |
Letty | 100 | 2 | |
Patty | 50 | “Y Patty” [presumably stands for Young Patty] | 2 |
Cudjoe | 00 | “O Cudjoe” [presumably stands for Old Cudjoe] | 2 |
Patty | 50 | “O Patty” [presumably stands for Old Patty] | 2 |
Stephen | 400 | “B H. Stephen” [B. normally stands for Big. Meaning of B.H. not known] | 2 |
Hercules | 700 | 3 | |
Eve | 600 | 3 | |
Lissa | 300 | 3 | |
Pompey | 150 | 3 | |
Hamilton | 275 | 3 | |
Mille | 100 | [probably Milly] | 3 |
Abram | 700 | 3 | |
Adam | 700 | 3 | |
Peggy | 450 | 3 | |
Clarrissa | 550 | [alt: Clarissa] | 3 |
Jerry | 300 | 3 | |
Cyrus | 75 | 3 | |
Fanny | 50 | “O Fanny” [presumably stands for Old Fanny] | 3 |
Summersett | 700 | [alt: Somerset] | 3 |
Betty | 600 | 3 | |
Amy | 50 | [alt: Amey] | 3 |
Scipio | 600 | 3 | |
Tenah | 600 | 3 | |
Peter | 450 | “Y. Peter” [presumably stands for Young] | 3 |
Boston | 375 | 3 | |
Williby | 300 | [alt: Willowby, Willoughby] | 3 |
Mazer | 225 | 3 | |
Titus | 150 | 3 | |
Kate | 50 | 3 | |
Kitty | 50 | 3 | |
Morris | 700 | 3 | |
Charlotte | 600 | 3 | |
Rinah | 500 | 3 | |
Richard | 450 | 3 | |
Ben | 500 | 3 | |
Jacob | 650 | 3 | |
Billy | 200 | “O Billy” [presumably stands for Old Billy] | 3 |
Hetty | 250 | “O Hetty” [presumably stands for Old Hetty] | 3 |
Billy | 400 | “Y Billy” [presumably stands for Young Billy] | 3 |
Betty | 10 | “O Betty” [presumably stands for Old Betty] | 3 |
Dinah | 450 | 3 | |
Bacchus | 450 | 3 | |
Feby | 150 | [probably misspelling of Phoebe] | 3 |
Tombolin | 700 | [probably misspelling of Tamerlane] | 4 |
Angaline | 600 | [alt: Angeline] | 4 |
Audenton | 450 | [alt: Odenton] | 4 |
Cory | 275 | [or Casy, Cosy, Cory] | 4 |
Jackson | 150 | 4 | |
Phillis | 100 | “Y Phillis] [presumably stands for Young Phillis] | 4 |
George | 700 | 4 | |
Prince | 700 | 4 | |
Suckey | 600 | [alt: Sukey] | 4 |
Charity | 225 | 4 | |
Aberdeen | 175 | 4 | |
Katy | 75 | 4 | |
Hamlett | 700 | [alt: Hamlet] | 4 |
Fanny | 600 | “Y Fanny” [presumably stands for Young Fanny] | 4 |
Manimia | 60 | [alt: Monimia, Monamia] | 4 |
Hanibal | 100 | [alt: Hannibal] | 4 |
Cilla | 500 | [alt: Sylla, Cilla, Silla, Cylla, Scilla] | 4 |
Hagar | 400 | “Y Hagar” [presumably stands for Young Hagar] | 4 |
Tenah | 300 | “Y Tenah” [presumably stands for Young Tenah] | 4 |
Massa | 225 | [alt: Massey] | 4 |
Robert | 175 | 4 | |
Madison | 75 | 4 | |
Pompey | 700 | 4 | |
Jane | 350 | 4 | |
Daniel | 350 | 4 | |
Solomon | 600 | 4 | |
Georgiann | 350 | [alt: Georgia Ann] | 4 |
Hagar | 175 | “O Hagar” [presumably stands for Old Hagar] | 4 |
Celia | 600 | [alt: Celie] | 4 |
Jesse | 700 | 4 | |
Hannah | 600 | Looks like “P Hannah” | 4 |
Emeline | 100 | 4 | |
Caesar | 700 | 4 | |
Binah | 300 | “O Binah” [presumably stands for Old Binah] | 4 |
Pender | 600 | 4 | |
Lydia | 75 | “O Lydia” [presumably stands for Old Lydia] | 4 |
Jenny | 200 | “O Jenny” [presumably stands for Old Jenny] | 4 |
Mona | 200 | [name hard to read] | 4 |
Sambo | 700 | 5 | |
Elcy | 600 | [alt: Elsy, Elsey] | 5 |
Jenny | 350 | 5 | |
James | 300 | 5 | |
Venus | 150 | 5 | |
Luke | 75 | 5 | |
Cudjoe | 700 | “B H Cudjoe” [meaning of the letters not known] | 5 |
John | 800 | “John (D)” [D likely stands for “Driver”] | 5 |
Hannah | 400 | 5 | |
Eliza | 300 | 5 | |
Gilbert | 200 | 5 | |
Cretia | 175 | 5 | |
Brister | 700 | “Y Brister” [presumably stands for Young Brister] | 5 |
Rachel | 600 | 5 | |
Toney | 500 | 5 | |
March | 350 | 5 | |
Monday | 350 | “O Monday” [stands for Old Monday] | 5 |
Tamer | 300 | [alt: Tamar] | 5 |
Fortune | 650 | 5 | |
Lydia | 300 | “Y Lydia” [presumably stands for Young Lydia] | 5 |
Sally | 350 | 5 | |
Monday | 200 | “Y Monday” [stands for Young Monday] | 5 |
June | 175 | 5 | |
Doctor | 300 | 5 | |
Mingo | 1000 | 5 | |
Stephen | 350 | “C. Stephen” | 5 |
Robin | 600 | 5 | |
Hester | 450 | 5 | |
Sina | 325 | [alt: Sina, Siney, Siny] | 5 |
Belfast | 650 | 5 | |
Molly | 300 | 5 | |
Belfast | 650 | “Y Belfast” [presumably stands for Young Belfast] | 5 |
Cosy | 175 | “O Cosy” [presumably stands for Old Cosy] [[alt: Cory, Cozy] | 5 |
Lone | 350 | 5 | |
Phillis | 75 | “O Phillis” [presumably stands for Old Phillis] | 5 |
Kate | 300 | 5 | |
Cassius | 375 | 5 | |
Dick | 700 | 6 | |
Sue | 600 | 6 | |
Matty | 350 | “Y Motty” [presumably the Y stands for Young] | 6 |
Margaret | 225 | 6 | |
Samuel | 150 | 6 | |
Alfred | 200 | 6 | |
Poladore | 75 | “Y Poladore” [Young] [alt: Polydore, Polidore] | 6 |
Cudjoe | 700 | “B Cudjoe” [presumably stands for Big Cudjoe] | 6 |
Frank | 700 | 6 | |
Leah | 600 | 6 | |
Harry | 300 | 6 | |
Stephen | 10 | 6 | |
Duffy | 75 | 6 | |
London | 700 | 6 | |
Lucy | 600 | 6 | |
Sarahann | 100 | [alt: Sarah Ann] | 6 |
Betty | 50 | “Y Betty” [presumably stands for Young Betty] | 6 |
Dick | 250 | “O Dick” [presumably stands for Old Dick] | 6 |
Rachel | 300 | “O Rachel” [presumably stands for Old Rachel] | 6 |
Bina | 450 | “Y Bina” [presumably stands for Young Bina] | 6 |
Joe | 700 | 6 | |
Nanny | 600 | 6 | |
Levenia | 275 | [alt: Lavinia, Livinia] | 6 |
Julia | 100 | 6 | |
Rachel | 50 | Looks like “B Rachel”, presumably standing for Big Rachel | 6 |
Poladore | 800 | “L Poladore” [presumably stands for Little Poladore] [alt: Polydore] | 6 |
Bulah | 600 | [alt: Beulah] | 6 |
Bella | 600 | 6 | |
Annett | 275 | [alt: Annette] | 6 |
Barrack | 175 | [alt: Barack] | 6 |
Hector | 650 | 6 | |
Matilda | 525 | 6 | |
Sophia | 350 | 6 | |
June | 100 | 6 | |
Nelly | 600 | 6 | |
Polly | 50 | 6 | |
Charles | 5 | “O Charles” [presumably stands for Old Charles] | 6 |
Sophia | 300 | “O Sophia” [presumably stands for Old Sophia] | 6 |
July | 400 | 6 | |
Cato | 500 | 6 | |
Brister | 10 | “O Brister” [presumably stands for Old Brister] | 6 |
Find the digitized original at: Family Search.org. Liberty County Superior Court “Deeds and mortgages, 1777-1920; general index to deeds and mortgages, 1777-1958,” Film: Deeds & Mortgages, v. K-L 1831-1842,” Record Book L, 1838-1842, pp. 19-21. Image #336-7 (Link: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-C3QP-T9K2-G?i=332&cat=292358)
These antebellum estate inventories and appraisals generally included all the deceased person’s “property,” including enslaved persons. Only those names are documented here for historical and genealogical purposes. Anyone interested in the actual property owned by the deceased may find it at the link at the bottom of the page. Names are listed in the original order, as this often gives very valuable information about family groupings or the age of children (who may be listed in age order).