They Had Names

African Americans in Early Records of Liberty County, Georgia

Liberty County Will — Thomas Bacon

Will Summary (published 1964)

Thomas Baker [sic, name in will is Thomas Bacon, not Baker], Sr. of Liberty County. Last Will and Testament dated December 16, 1811; probated March 4, 1812. Gives to his last and present wife, Martha, and at her death to his younger children, viz., Edmond, Eugene, Thomas Wheeler and Sarah Ann, also to daughter Catherine Pamela Wheeler and if she die without issue then her part to go to the others of said children who are by present wife. Wife to have use of the Desert place or tract where testator lives, which he bought from his nephew, John Bacon. To eldest son, Thomas Baker [sic, will clearly says Bacon], he gives 16 slaves and the land on which he has settled for his summer retreat, same being 50 acres on Welch branch. Testator directs that all his lands in Edgefield District, South Carolina be sold and his debts paid out of proceeds. He gives to his grandson, Henry William Bacon, a slave. Executors: The eldest son, Thomas Bacon, together with Edmond Bacon, and nephew John Bacon and Daniel Stewart. Witnesses: Wm. N. Cray, Wm. McGoween, Robert Quarterman J.P.

[Additions to abstract concerning land: To his younger sons Edmund, Eugene & Thomas Wheeler, he gives all his lands lying on or adjoining to the Desert except the part bequeathed to his wife Martha Bacon and lot mentioned to his eldest son THomas Bacon. Also gives them a tract of land known as the ??Lawn?? plantation, another tract on the Back Swamp of the Alatamaha [alt: Altamaha] containing 287 1/2 acres to be equally divided between them.

To daughter Catherine Pamela Wheeler gives a tract of land containing 200 acres lying on the waters of the Altamaha Back Swamp bound northwestwardly by Matlock’s land, northeast by Henry Wheler’s [alt: Wheeler] land, southwest by Lyona Lee’s land.

To daughter Sarah Ann gives a tract of land lying in the Altamaha Back Swamp containing 200 acres more or less. [End additions to abstract concerning land.]

Slave names left out of the original summary:

To wife Martha: “the negro man named Joe and his wife named young Catherena [alt: Catharena, Catherina, Catherine] & her two children, viz., Charlotte and Letty and the increase of the females, to her forever…”

To eldest son Thomas Bacon: “the following Negroes viz: [Cloe and Rose listed, then crossed out and listed later], Jack, Primos, Joe, Caesar, Will, Rosa [alt: Rose] & her children, viz: Tenah, Affy [alt: Affee], Abram & Peggy and Tenah’s children, viz: Cloe [alt: Chloe], Rose, Sarah & Betty and Affy’s children, viz: Isaac, together with the increase of the females…”

“I lend my daughter Catherine Pamela Wheeler, two Negro woman, viz: Nanny and her daughter Lizzy, during her natural life and should she have issue to them forever; otherwise to revert to the surviving children which I had by my last wife Martha.”

“It is my will that my son Edmund shall have two Negro men viz: Charles and Malbis, at their real value towards his share of my personal property, also in the same way Eugene shall have Bartos [or Bartoz], Thomas Wheeler have Toby & Sarah Ann have Hetty. Item I will that my grandson Henry William Bacon have one Negro girl, viz. Phebe [alt: Phoebe] to him and his heirs forever [unless he dies, in which case she reverts to his children by Martha].”

“Item it is my will that my old Negro Tom for his attachment and services rendered to me may never be put to labour but continued in my family and provided for out of my estate with at least two suits of clothes per year and a blanket every third year, and also his provisions.”

Find the original (complete) will online at:

“Georgia Probate Records, 1742-1990,” images, FamilySearch ( : 20 May 2014), Liberty > Wills, appraisements and bonds 1790-1850 vol B > image 113 of 689; county probate courthouses, Georgia.

1964 Summaries From: “Georgia Court-House Records – Liberty County,” 1964 quarterly issues of The Georgia Genealogical Magazine, Folks Huxford, Editor. Published Under the Auspices of The Wiregrass Georgia Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution.