They Had Names

African Americans in Early Records of Liberty County, Georgia

Bryan County Estate Inventory – Elijah Mattox (1846)

Elijah Mattox of Bryan County, Georgia, died intestate, so his heirs agreed in a document dated November 3, 1846, by mutual consent to divide his estate, that which had not been included in a deed made by him to Hiram W. Mattox in 1840, which was recorded in the County. They added, “Whereas there is one Negro man, named April or ?Ape?, now in Florida as we believe, we do agree and bind ourselves solemnly to each other, that if said negro man Ape should not be got or be in any unsound condition, that we will refund in cash to such heir as may draw said negro man Ape according to his valuation in this division, each one his proportionable part., and should there be any expense in getting said negro, we do agree to pay each a proportionable part.” The heirs signed themselves as: Candace Mattox (signed for by H. A. Smith), John A. Mattox, Wm. Tootle, Joseph A. Mattox, Edward Kenedy, John A. Mattox as agent for Elijah H. Mattox, H.A. Smith as guardian for M.M. Mattox. The record and division were recorded in Bryan Countyon April 23, 1847.

“Valuation of Division of the Negroes / Slaves / belonging to the Estate of Elijah Mattox”

Jack $650
April 500
Robert 500
Phebe [alt: Phoebe] 350
Sylva 425 [spelled Sylvia below]
Susan 475
Rachel 550
Andrew 325
Robert Jun’r 275
Charles 200
Mary 150
Nathaniel 275
Sara 175
Katy 100
Harkless 75

[Total] $5025

The lots were divided as followed:

[NOTE: Unfortunately, it was not specified which heir got which lot.]

Lot No. 1
Phebe $350
Mary 150
Nathaniel 275
[Total] $775

Lot no. 2
Sylvia $425
Katy 100
Harkless 75
[Total] $600

No 3
Jack $650
[Total] 650

No 4
Susan $475
Andrew 325
[Total] $800

No 5
Rachel $550
Sara 175
[Total] 725

No 6.
April 500
Robert Jr 275
[Total] 775

No. 7
Robert $500
Charles 200
[Total] 700

[Total] $5025

The document also contained a list of estate items sold off to the various heirs, including 200 acres of pine land in Bulloch County, sold to H.A. Smith, and 400 acres of pine land in Tatnall County, sold to John A. Mattox. Items were mostly small household and plantation items. The items amounted to $404.81 in the sale, which the heirs divided equally among themselves.

Bryan County, Georgia, Deeds & Mortgages, v. E-G 1830-1853, Book G (1846-53), page 46-53; digitized microfilm accessed through catalog, ( : 29 Dec 2024), image 514 of 682; microfilm #007899047, citing original records of Bryan County Superior Court.