They Had Names

African Americans in Early Records of Liberty County, Georgia

Bryan County Chattel Mortgage (Hines/Lamb)

Enslaved People Named: John, Phebea, Simon, Daniel, Emaly, Ceaser, Abigail, William, Amos, Ben, Stephen, Joe, Peggy, Sulpher, Sarah, Josiah, Henry

On April 12, 1828, Lewis Hines, Bryan County, used as collateral on a promissory note of $1500 to Benjamin S. Lamb, Bryan County, “all the following named Negroe slaves to wit, John & his wife Phebea [alt: Phoebe, Phebe], each about thirty years of age, and their four children Simon, Daniel, Emaly [alt: Emily] & Ceaser [alt: Caesar], Abigail about twenty eight years of age, and her three children William, Amos and [name omitted], Ben about forty five, Stephen twenty five years of age, Joe about twenty eight and his wife Peggy about thirty three years of age and their four children Sulpher [alt: Sulphur], Sarah, Josiah and Henry.” Witnessed by T.A. Mann, Luke Mann. Recorded in Bryan County Superior Court on May 2, 1828.

Bryan County, Georgia, Deeds & Mortgages, v. A-D 1796-1829, Book D (1815-1829), page 332-4; digitized microfilm accessed through catalog, ( : 23 Jun 2024), image 579-80 of 600; microfilm #007899046, citing original records of Bryan County Superior Court.