They Had Names

African Americans in Early Records of Liberty County, Georgia

Post-War Labor Contract – Abial Winn and William & Rose Fraser (1867)

People Named: Abial Winn, William Fraser, Rose Fraser

[Begin Transcript]

Georgia, Liberty County } Memorandum of Agreement entered into this 15th Day of January 1867 between A. Winn of said State & County of the first part and WIlliam Fraser & Rose Fraser of the second part.

This agreement witnesseth that A. Winn of the first part agrees to give to William Fraser and his wife Rose Fraser the sum of one hundred & fifty dollars and their feed & house room for their services for ten months commencing from the above date and ending on the 15th day of November 1867.

We William and Rose Fraser do pledge ourselves to work faithfully to the end making up all lost time, being at all times obedient and respectful, performing any work whenever called upon either on or off the premises of said A. Winn and we further agree that all advances in money clothing or otherwise which shall be made to us by said A. Winn is to be deducted from our wages at the final settlement.

In presence of
? C Varnedoe

Abial Winn
William Fraser [signed by mark]
Wife Rose Fraser [signed by mark]

Dorchester Jany 3d 1867

Examined & approved
A.M. McIver
Agt B R F & A L

[End Transcript]

Records of the U.S. Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen & Abandoned Lands, Field Office Records for Georgia, Liberty County, 1866 Labor Contract between Abial Winn and William and Rose Fraser; digital database, Ancestry, U.S., Freedmen’s Bureau Records, 1865-1878 -> Records of the Field Offices -> M1903 > 83, image 184; citing National Archives Microfilm Publication M1903, Roll 83.