They Had Names

African Americans in Early Records of Liberty County, Georgia

Bryan County Chattel Mortgage (Maxwell/Maxwell)

Enslaved People Named: Melissa, Esther, Jim

On February 1, 1855, William A. Maxwell, Lee County, used as security on a promissory note to Mrs. Ann Maxwell, Bryan County, for an annual payment (annuity) of $230 “for value received” “the following negro slaves to wit Melissa a woman about fifty years of age Esther a woman thirty seven years of age and Jim a boy seventeen years old,” plus “two undividied thirds of a tract of land situate lying and being in said state and county and known and distinguished as the Golden Grove containing five hundred and seventy acres more or less.” Recorded in Bryan County Superior Court on April 9, 1855.

Bryan County, Georgia, Deeds & Mortgages, v. E-G 1830-1853, Book G (1846-53), page 152-3; digitized microfilm accessed through catalog, ( : 18 Feb 2025), image 81 of 682; microfilm #007899047, citing original records of Bryan County Superior Court.