They Had Names

African Americans in Early Records of Liberty County, Georgia

Bryan County Deed of Gift (Shuman/Shuman)

Enslaved People Named: Charlotte, Beny, Stephen

On January 3, 1846, Pheriba Shuman, Bryan County, made several gifts of enslaved people.

She gifted to Eliza Shuman, Bryan County, “one negro girl by the name of Charlotte, about seventeen years of age and her increase, and four head of stock cattle, with their increase from date, one bed stead, bed and furniture.” The gift was to take place after Pheriba Shuman’s death. Witnessed by Benjamin Willess.

Written on this deed was: “I revoke this will this 18th May 1854. In presence of E.H. Bacon” Signed by mark by Pheriba Shuman.

She gifted to Elias Calvin Shuman, also of Bryan County, “the following property (to be delivered at the decease of said Pheriba Shuman) viz one certain negro boy, by the name of Beny [or Bony or Bany] born in July eighteen hundred and forty five, and nine head of stock cattle, and their increase from date, one bed stead, ed and furniture and one mattress.” Witnessed by Benjamin Willess [signed by mark], Eliza Shuman [signed by mark]. Pheriba Shuman also signed by mark.

She gifted to Henry Jackson Shuman, also of Bryan County, identifying him as her grandson, “the following property (to be delivered at the decease of said Pheriba Shuman) viz one negro boy by the name of Stephen, which was born on the seventh day of May eighteen hundred and forty five and six head of stock cattle, and their increase from date, one feather bed and furniture for the same, one bedstead and one three foot trunk.” Witnessed by Benjamin Willess [signed by mark], Eliza Shuman [signed by mark]. Pheriba Shuman also signed by mark.

She also gifted to Eliza Shuman, Henry Jackson Shuman, and Elias Calvin Shuman, to be delivered after her death, “one hundred acres of land, being half of a two hundred acre tract, surveyed for Pheriba Sauls, containing the Plantation WORD. It was to belong to Eliza Shuman while she remained single, and then to become the property of Henry J and Elias C. Shuman. Witnessed by Benjamin Willess [signed by mark]. Pheriba Shuman also signed by mark.

All recorded in Bryan County Superior Court on January 10, 1846.

Bryan County, Georgia, Deeds & Mortgages, v. E-G 1830-1853, Book F (1840-46), page 378-9; digitized microfilm accessed through catalog, ( : 6 Oct 2024), image 448 of 682; microfilm #007899047, citing original records of Bryan County Superior Court.

Bryan County, Georgia, Deeds & Mortgages, v. E-G 1830-1853, Book F (1840-46), page 379-80; digitized microfilm accessed through catalog, ( : 6 Oct 2024), image 449 of 682; microfilm #007899047, citing original records of Bryan County Superior Court.

Bryan County, Georgia, Deeds & Mortgages, v. E-G 1830-1853, Book F (1840-46), page 380-1; digitized microfilm accessed through catalog, ( : 6 Oct 2024), image 448-49 of 682; microfilm #007899047, citing original records of Bryan County Superior Court.

Bryan County, Georgia, Deeds & Mortgages, v. E-G 1830-1853, Book F (1840-46), page 381-2; digitized microfilm accessed through catalog, ( : 6 Oct 2024), image 449-50 of 682; microfilm #007899047, citing original records of Bryan County Superior Court.