They Had Names

African Americans in Early Records of Liberty County, Georgia

Court Case – Executors of John Bacon against William Kirkland (1791-2)

Enslaved Persons Named: Abraham, Judy

In 1791 and 1792, Joseph Quarterman as one of the executors for John Bacon prosecuted a case against William Kirkland, who had left Liberty County, for taking “a negro wench name Judy,” who was 17 or 18 years old, with him illegally. Quarterman apparently won his case, as the Sheriff filed an order to seize “a negro fellow named Abraham” in April 1792 and sell him at public auction.

[Begin Transcript]

Order for sale: Joseph Quarterman
et al Exors
vs. Wm. Kirkland } Attach’t [Attachment]
filed 6 April 1792

Jos. Quarterman et al
Exor John Bacon
William Kirkland
The Sheriff having returned that he had levied a copy of the attach. issued in the above cause on Peter Winn in whose hands he attached a negro fellow name Abraham & that he had him at the day as within he is commanded, on motion of Mr. Jacob Wood Atty for the Pltf it is ordered that the right of the said Wm. Kirkland to the said Negro Abraham be sold at public auction upon giving the usual notice & that the Nett proceeds of the sale be paid into the hands of the Plaintiffs or their atty upon giving security to return the said money into court in case they should fail to prosecute their [word] to effect
By the Court
F. Coddington
Jas. Dunwody
Jas. Powell
[End Transcript]

[Begin Transcript]
Liberty County } Joseph Quarterman et al Exor
John Bacon dec’d
Vs. William Kirkland

Joseph Quarterman one of the exors of John Bacon dec’d being duly sworn saith, that William Kirkland, late of this County planter, became possessed of a Negro wench about 17 or 18 [years] old named Judy the property of the said Estate and that the s’d [said] wench as [word] deponent [word] believes is worth fifty pounds, and that the said [William] Kirkland absconds and conceals himself [word] the ordinary process of law cannot be served upon him, and the deponent further saith that the said William has carried off & converted to his own use the said Negro wench & further saith not.
Sworn to this 21st day of
Sept. 1791 before me
John Lawson J.P.
[Signed] Joseph Quarterman
[End Transcript]

Next page is a scrap of paper ordering attachment of property belonging to William Kirkland.

Loose Papers in folders by surname, Liberty County Court of Ordinary; digitized images with typewritten indexes, ( : accessed 24 Sep 2024), “Georgia Probate Records, 1742-1990 -> Liberty -> Estates 1775-1892 Perry, Abail-Ricks, George,” images 841-2 of 1223.

Loose Papers in folders by surname, Liberty County Court of Ordinary; digitized images with typewritten indexes, ( : accessed 24 Sep 2024), “Georgia Probate Records, 1742-1990 -> Liberty -> Estates 1775-1892 Perry, Abail-Ricks, George,” images 814-5 of 1223.