They Had Names

African Americans in Early Records of Liberty County, Georgia

Bryan County Chattel Mortgage (Maxwell/Remshart)

Enslaved People Named: July, Mary

On April 25, 1844, John J. Maxwell, Chatham County, used as security on a debt to William Remshart, Bryan County: “the following named slaves with the issue of the females to wit my mulatto man July aged about forty five years and my negro woman Mary aged about twenty four years.” Maxwell had defaulted on an $836 mortgage on a Bryan County property known as Hickory Hill and also owed court costs of $7.62. Recorded in Bryan County Superior Court on Mary 8, 1844.

Bryan County, Georgia, Deeds & Mortgages, v. E-G 1830-1853, Book F (1840-46), page 258-9; digitized microfilm accessed through catalog, ( : 15 Sep 2024), image 387 of 682; microfilm #007899047, citing original records of Bryan County Superior Court.