They Had Names

African Americans in Early Records of Liberty County, Georgia

Bryan County Chattel Mortgage (Hines/Meeting House)

Enslaved People Named: Clarinda, Lonon, Johnson, Lucy, Chloe, Reymond [alt: Raymond], Peney, Frances, Squire, Sylvia, Charles, Flora, Robin, Bob, Theresa, Sally, Charles, Elvira, Rufus, Flanders, Tamar, Darby, Caroline, Caller [or Coller], Cornelia, Hetty, Ben, Morris, Sam, John, Ben, Abby, William, Amas, Emmick, Lissett, Stephen, Washington, Dublin, Peter

On May 17, 1842, John Pray Hines, Bryan County, used as collateral on a promissory note of $6260 to George W. McAllister, R.J. Arnold and Thomas S. Clay, the trustees of the “Meeting House on the Neck Road near Hardwick” in Bryan County, “the following negroe slaves together with the increase of the female slaves, viz, Clarinda (40) Lonon (18) Johnson (16) Lucy (14) Chloe (12) Reymond alt: Raymond Peney (18) Frances (16) Squire (3) Sylvia (1) Charles (45) Flora (40) Robin (19) Bob (17) Theresa (14) Sally (11) Charles (6) Elvira (4) Rufus (2) Flanders (42) Tamar (46) Darby (21) Caroline (19) Caller or Coller Cornelia (11) Hetty (4) Ben (23) Morris (20) Sam (28) John (40) Ben (45) Abby (45) William (22) Amas (17) Emmick (15) Lissett (49) Stephen (17) Washington (12) Dublin (8) Peter (5). Witnessed by Daniel Johnson. Recorded in Bryan County Superior Court on May 24, 1842.

Bryan County, Georgia, Deeds & Mortgages, v. E-G 1830-1853, Book F (1840-46), page 133-4; digitized microfilm accessed through catalog, ( : 6 Sep 2024), image 317-8 of 682; microfilm #007899047, citing original records of Bryan County Superior Court.