Enslaved People Named: Jim, Mariam, Cuffee, Nanny, Jim, Sue, Jack, Fanny, Morris, Nancy, Alick, Minda, Rhina, Minda, Judy, Julia, Frank, infant, Titus
[Begin Transcript]
In conformity to the request in writing made me this day by the heirs at law of Mrs. Jane Stiles dec’d a copy of which is hereunto annexed. I have seen the people and valued them as per memo below viz.
1 | Jim | 850 | 2 | Mariam, his wife | 600 | $1,450 |
3 | Cuffee | 800 | 4 | Nanny | 650 | 1450 |
5 | Little Jim | 650 | 6 | Sue | 500 | 1150 |
7 | Jack | 250 | 8 | Fanny | 300 | 550 |
9 | Morris | 900 | 10 | Nancy | 550 | 1450 |
11 | Alick | 750 | 12 | Minda | 550 | 1300 |
13 | Rhina | 725 | 14 | Little Minda | 550 | 1275 |
15 | Judy | 650 | 16 | Julia | 500 | 1150 |
17 | Frank | 750 | 18 | her infant | 75 | 825 |
19 | Titus |
Whole amount $11,500
One only was bid for, and she was bought by Mrs Penney for $795 his [sic, her] name is Nanny, valued above $650
Difference to be added is $145.00
[Amended total] $11,645
Divided into four equal shares is to each share $2911.25
Allotted to Mrs. Penney for her share, viz
Jim $850 – Mariam $600 – Cuffee $800 – Nanny $795 is $3045.00
Allotted to Mr. Stephens for his share
Frank $750 – her child $75 – Jack $250 – Fanny $300
Minder $550 – Little Minder $550 – Sue $500 – in all $2975.00
Mr. Benj. [Benjamin] and Mr. Edward Stiles preferring to take together there was allotted to them the following negroes
Viz Morris $900 – Nancy $550 – Judy $650 – Julia $500
Alick $750 – Rhina $725 – Jim $650 – Titus $900 making in all
$5625. Mr. Penney’s share amounting to $133.75 too much he to give his brothers the Messrs. Stiles his note for that sum payable January 1st 1839 with interest untill paid. Mr. Stephens share amounting to $63.75 too much he is to give his brothers the Messrs Stiles his note for that amount payable in the same way. These two sums added to the $5625 wil lmake these two shares $5822.50 which is $2911.25 to each.
Hoping this division is satisfactory to all the parties I remain
Respectfully your friend
R.J. Arnold
Georgia, Bryan County }
We the undersigned heirs at law of the late Mrs. Jane Stiles do hereby agree that Richard J. Arnold shall be the sold appraiser of the property of said Estate with a clear understanding that each heir has the right if he pleases of bidding for any negroes or negro, he or they may be disposed to own, which highest bid shall be taken as the valuation made by said appraised. We further obligate ourselves to pay each of us and respective proportions of any and all debts, which are now due and known to us, or may hereafter come to the knowledge of either of the parties. And in the division of said estate, when a ballance is due (reference being had to an equal division or as near equal as possible between us) notes shall be given made payable January first 1839 with interest until apid.
In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names at Salina this sixth day of December 1838.
A.W. Stephen
Edward Stiles
B. Penney
Benj’n Stiles
Signed in presence of Richardson F. Akins
[End Transcript]
Recorded in Bryan County Superior Court on December 27, 1838.
Bryan County, Georgia, Deeds & Mortgages, v. E-G 1830-1853, Book E (1830-40), page 329-30; digitized microfilm accessed through catalog, FamilySearch.org (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CS4K-VSGW-5 : 2 Aug 2024), image 185 of 682; microfilm #007899047, citing original records of Bryan County Superior Court.