People Named: Joseph L. Peeples [or Peoples], Ned Monroe, Luke Monroe, Isaac Monroe, August Hendry, James Williams, Will Williams
[Begin Transcript]
Joseph L. Peeples
Ned Monroe Etc
Office of Agent of
R.F. & A.L. for
Liberty County
The within contract is approved by me
This 24th of March 1866
Wm. [William] B. Gaulden
Agent B R F & A L.
Approved by command of
Brig Gen Tillson
Theo. F. Forbes
Georgia, Liberty County } This contract entered into this 24th of March (1866) eighteen hundred & sixty six between Joseph L. Pebbles and the following freedmen to wit Ned Monroe and his three sons to wit Ben Monroe Isaac Monroe Luke Monroe and August Hendry, James Williams for himself and for his brother a minor and orphan aged about thirteen or fourteen years named Will Williams, witnesseth that the Joseph L. Peeples promises and agrees to allow Ned and sons twenty five acres of good land to plant in the Biddeford plantation in said county and August Hendry seven acres and to James Williams eight acres and more if they desire it; and promises to furnish syrup and corn to said freedmen enough for them [to] subsist on until their crops are gathered at cost prices and allow them two thirds of all the corn [word] cotton peas and potatoes that shall be raised on said plantation; they to furnish their own land and farming implements and stock and clothe themselves and to repay him said Peeples for said provisions allowed out of their shares of the crop raised and allow them a small rice and potato patch extra for which nothing will be charged; and promises to pay the minor Will Williams five dollars per month from the fifteenth of March until the first of January 1867 with rations for his services, said Will Williams to work with said Peeples and for him. Said freedmen in consideration of the aforesaid privileges and shares in said crop to be paid them including quarters or houses with the privilege of raising hogs and chickens on said plantation do hereby promise and agree to faithfully labor on said place until the first day of January 1867 in growing cultivating and gathering the crop under the ? care ? and directions of said Joseph L. Peeples and promise to keep order on said plantation and when not engaged in cultivating or gathering said crop to work at repairing, improving and keeping said plantation in order.
In witness of our assent to the aforesaid agreement we the parties aforesaid have hereunto set our hands the day and year first written.
In presence of
Joseph R. Howel
Wm. B. Gaulden
Agent R F & A L
J.L. Peeples
[all below signed by mark]
Ned Monroe
Luke Monroe
Isaac Monroe
August Hendry
James Williams
Will Williams
[End Transcript]
Records of the U.S. Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen & Abandoned Lands, Field Office Records for Georgia, Liberty County, Labor Contract between Joseph L. Peoples & freedmen and women; digital database, Ancestry (, U.S., Freedmen’s Bureau Records, 1865-1878 -> Records of the Field Offices -> M1903 > 83, image 231-4; citing National Archives Microfilm Publication M1903, Roll 83.