They Had Names

African Americans in Early Records of Liberty County, Georgia

Bill of Sale (Baker/Baker)

Enslaved People Named: Sampson, Venus, Jack, Charles, Nanny, Jeffry, Harriot, Dick, Cuffee, Sarah, Charlotte, January, Sue, Molly, Clarinda, Lydia, Sarah, Emily, Peggy, Ceaser [alt: Caesar], Diana, Frank, Lucy, Charles, Milley, Rinah, Toby, Abram, Hagar, Lizzey, Hannah, Tenah, Nanny, Bob, Maurice, Frank, Paris, Will, Chloe [alt: Chloe], Ceaser, James, January, Somersett the first, Somersett the 2d, Strapp, Cloe, Wall

On October 30, 1794, Liberty County Sheriff Henry Wood, sold to William Jeans Baker and Adam Alexander, trustees for Mrs. Martha Baker and her children, for $523 “the following Negro Slaves, to wit, Sampson, Venus, Jack, Charles, Nanny, Jeffry, Harriot, Dick, Cuffee, Sarah, Charlotte, January, Sue, Molly, Clarinda, Lydia, Sarah, Emily, Peggy, Ceaser [alt: Caesar], Diana, Frank, Lucy, Charles, Milley, Rinah, Toby, Abram, Hagar, Lizzey, Hannah, Tenah, Nanny, Bob, Maurice, Frank, Paris, Will, Chloe [alt: Chloe], Ceaser, James, January, Somersett the first, Somersett the 2d, Strapp, Cloe & Wall and four children, to wit, the child of Molly, the child of Lucy, the child of Rinah & the child of Lizzy” “as the property of the said Stephen Baker.” Sheriff Wood had seized them from Stephen Baker based on three writs of fieri facias issued based on suits by the executors of Stephen Cator, deceased, and had put them up for public auction on the first Tuesday in January, 1794, when William J. Baker and Adam Alexander were the highest bidders. Recorded in Liberty County Superior Court on August 7, 1796. 

[NOTE: The names were listed twice in this deed record. Only 50 were listed the first time. In the second listing, the name “Maurice” was added, and the number was given as 51, but there was no acknowledgement that there was a difference between the two lists.]

Source: Family Liberty County Superior Court “Deeds and mortgages, 1777-1920; general index to deeds and mortgages, 1777-1958,” Film: Deeds & Mortgages, v. C-D 1793-1801,” Record Book DD (1795-1798), p. 61. Image #199 (Link: