They Had Names

African Americans in Early Records of Liberty County, Georgia

Used as Collateral (Law/Lambert)

Enslaved People Named: Cinda, Jack, Will, Sam, Samson [alt: Sampson], Toney, Scipio, Nancy, Jack, Eve, Sawney [or Sammy]

On July 1, 1851, William Law, of Savannah, Chatham County, used as collateral to secure a promissory note by Joseph Law and Benjamin B. King to the executors of John Lambert’s estate (Thomas Mallard, Ezra Stacy, William Q. Baker, William Jones, and John B. Mallard) “all these twelve following negro slaves to wit Cinda Jack Will Sam Samson Toney Scipio John Nancy Jack Eve and Sawney [or Sammy] & the future issue & increase of the female slaves, and also that tract of land situated lying and being in the county of Liberty & bounded west by Jas. Jones’ Estate, north by lands of Jos. Ashmore east by lands of G.B. Dean & south by marsh lands & South Newport River containing about eight hundred acres more or less called Bull Town tract and being the plantation on which Jos. Law now resides…” Witnessed by H.K. Preston, Thos. E. Lloyd, Not Pub. C.C. [Chatham County]. Recorded in Liberty County on August 24, 1851.

Source: Family Liberty County Superior Court “Deeds and mortgages, 1777-1920; general index to deeds and mortgages, 1777-1958,” Film: Deeds & Mortgages, v. M-N 1842-1854,” Record Book N, pp. 377-8. Image #610 (Link: