They Had Names

African Americans in Early Records of Liberty County, Georgia

Bill of Sale (Hines)

Enslaved Persons Named: Jimmy

In May 1849, Charlton Hines, Liberty County, as executor of the will of Mrs. Susannah Sanford, Liberty County, sold to Mrs. Julia Ann Bacon, wife of W. H. Bacon, for $350 “a certain negroe man named Jimmy” through Mrs. Bacon’s trustee Edward Way. Mrs. Sanford’s will was said to have been probated on May 7, 1849. Witnessed by William Harrison. 

[NOTE: Mrs. Sanford’s will specified that Jimmy was to be valued by three disinterested men “and then be permitted to find his master.” See]

Source:  Family Liberty County Superior Court “Deeds and mortgages, 1777-1920; general index to deeds and mortgages, 1777-1958,” Film: Deeds & Mortgages, v. M-N 1842-1854,” Record Book N, pp. 170. Image #496 (Link: