They Had Names

African Americans in Early Records of Liberty County, Georgia

Estate Settlement (Joseph Jones/Charles B. Jones)

Enslaved Persons Named: Charles Bacon, Charles Sept’r, Judith, Betsy, Tamur, Dinah, Caesar, September, Rachael, Ness, Jim, Rehab, Ned, Cloe [alt: Chloe], Jim

On February 21, 1847, Charles B. Jones acknowledged receipt from his mother, E.S.L. Jones, executrix of his father Jos. [Joseph] Jones’ estate, “the following sums in ready money and Bank Stock and together with sundry negro slaves to wit Charles Bacon, Charles Sept’r, Judith, Betsy, Tamur [alt: Taimur, Tamor], Dinah Ceasar [alt: Caesar] September Rachael Ness Jim Rehab, Ned Cloe Jim fifteen in number,” for a total amount of $7583.29, as well as 1/11 part of the ready money of the estate together with six shares in the State Bank and nine shares in the Central Rail Road and banking company plus ?00 acres of land called “Hargreaves tract” “being my full proportion of one eleventh part of negroes bank stock and ready money belonging to the estate of my father Jos. Jones.” “And be it known to all persons that we Charles B. Jones and Jos. [Joseph] A. Anderson and each of us are held and bound unto the said E.S.L. Jones in the sum of seven thousand five hundred and eighty three dollars twenty nine cents to be paid to the said E.S.L. Jones as Executrix…” Witnessed by Thos. W. Quarterman J.P. Recorded on May 25, 1849, by J.S. Bradwell, Clerk.

NOTE: This abstract designed only to document the names of the enslaved people. If you are interested in the details of the Jones family/estate, please read the original document at the link below.]

Source:  Family Liberty County Superior Court “Deeds and mortgages, 1777-1920; general index to deeds and mortgages, 1777-1958,” Film: Deeds & Mortgages, v. M-N 1842-1854,” Record Book N, pp. 157-8. Image #489-90 (Link: