Enslaved Persons Named: Edwin, Betty, Titus, Nancy, William, Dinah, Pulaski, Phebe, Sambo, Dye
On March 5, 1849, Thomas Quarterman, Liberty County, used as collateral on a promissory note of $2000 To Geo. [George] W. Walthour, trustee for March E. Parsons, also of Liberty County, “the following named negroes viz. Edwin Betty Titus Nancy William Dinah Pulaski Phebe Sambo & Dye…” Witnessed by James B. Mell, George T. Handley, T.W. Quarterman, J.P. Recorded on May 9, 1849, by J.S. Bradwell, Clerk. [NOTE: Written on the deed was “Satisfied in full. Geo. W. Walthour. Trustee for M.E. Parsons. May 15, 1855. Entered 24 May 1855. S.A. Fraser, Clerk.”
Source: Family Search.org. Liberty County Superior Court “Deeds and mortgages, 1777-1920; general index to deeds and mortgages, 1777-1958,” Film: Deeds & Mortgages, v. M-N 1842-1854,” Record Book N, pp. 141-2. Image #481-2 (Link: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-C3QP-5W6P?i=480&cat=292358)