They Had Names

African Americans in Early Records of Liberty County, Georgia

Used as Collateral (Scriven)

Enslaved Persons Named: June, Lizzy, Peter, Abram, big Jim, John, Andrew, Rachael, Scipio, London, Charles and little Jim

On February 18, 1848, William E. Scriven [alt: Screve], Liberty County, used as collateral on a promissory note of $560 to  Dr. James P. Scriven, Chatham County, an 800-acre tract of land in Liberty County bounded north by town of Sunbury and land of Archibald Wilkins, east by salt marsh, south by Oliver Stevens, Jun, and west by Thomas S. Mallard “together with the following negro slaves to wit – June, Lizzy, Peter, Abram, big Jim, John, Andrew, Rachael, Scipio, London, Charles and little Jim.” Witnessed by John F. Sandiford, J.S. Bradwell, Clk. Recorded on February 18, 1848, by J.S. Bradwell, Clerk. 

Source:  Family Liberty County Superior Court “Deeds and mortgages, 1777-1920; general index to deeds and mortgages, 1777-1958,” Film: Deeds & Mortgages, v. M-N 1842-1854,” Record Book N, pp. 43-4. Image #432-3 (Link: