They Had Names

African Americans in Early Records of Liberty County, Georgia

Marriage Contract (Freeman/Quarterman)

Enslaved Persons Named: Sam, Jane, Malissa [alt: Melissa], Richard, Sue, Peter, Maza, Racheal [alt: Rachael, Rachel] and Lindy

On December 22, 1858, Milo S. Freeman, formerly of Macon but “more recently of Savannah,” and Harriet Augusta Quarterman of Walthourville, Liberty County, made a marriage contract to record that “the separate property of the said Harriet Augusta consisting of nine negroes viz Sam, Jane, Malissa, Richard, Sue, Peter, Maza, Racheal and Lindy” with whatever property she might obtain in the future “should be secured to her use.” William S. Norman and Keith A. Quarterman were appointed trustees for Harriet Augusta Quarterman, so took possession of the “said above described nine negroes.” Conditions of inheritance of the trust were set. Witnessed by C.D. Rogers, M.R. Freeman, A.S. Quarterman. Recorded on January 13, 1859, by S.A. Fraser, Clerk. 

Source: Family Liberty County Superior Court “Deeds and mortgages, 1777-1920; general index to deeds and mortgages, 1777-1958,” Film: Deeds & Mortgages, v. O-P 1854-1870,” Record Book O, p 451. Image #273. (Link: