They Had Names

African Americans in Early Records of Liberty County, Georgia

Loan (Hines/Sandiford)

Enslaved Persons Named: Jenny

“State of Georgia, Liberty County } Received of C. Hines Esqr. a certain negro girl by name Jenny about fourteen years of age, which he has been kind enough to loan me, and I do hereby promise to deliver up said Girl Jenny to said C. Hines whenever called for and I do further say that I have no claim to said Negro Girl whatever further than the use of her until said C. Hines calls for her. Witness my hand and seal this 3d Jany 1859. In presence of H. Andrews, S.A. Fraser, C.S.C.L.C.” Signed by R.C. Sandiford. Recorded on January 3, 1859, by S.A. Fraser, Clerk.

Source: Family Liberty County Superior Court “Deeds and mortgages, 1777-1920; general index to deeds and mortgages, 1777-1958,” Film: Deeds & Mortgages, v. O-P 1854-1870,” Record Book O, p 445. Image #270. (Link: