They Had Names

African Americans in Early Records of Liberty County, Georgia

Bill of Sale (Varnedoe)

Enslaved Persons Named: Joe, Isaac, Hannah, Billy, Isaiah, Nancy, Toby, Martha, Cato, Prime, Louissa [alt: Louisa], Jane, Cornelia, Noble, Patsy, and old Nancy

On November 15, 1858, Matilda Varnedoe, Liberty County, sold to Samuel M. Varnedoe, Liberty County, for $2000 “a certain negro slave named Joe about thirty six years of age and a certain tract of land lying in the State and County aforesaid containing two hundred and eighty acres more or less bounded on the North by lands of R.A. Varnedoe on the East by lands of R.A. Varnedoe and the Estate of M.L. Jones on the south by lands of the Estate M.L. Jones and on the west by lands of Mrs. A. Chapman and together also an undivided eighth of all the lands in McIntosh and Irwin Counties that were held and owned by her father N. Varnedoe at the time of his death and also all and singular her cattle mules provisions and crops of the year eighteen hundred and fifty eight, together with all the other goods and chattels she may now own excepting her negroes Isaac, Hannah, Billy, Isaiah, Nancy, Toby, Martha, Cato, Prime, Louissa [alt: Louisa], Jane, Cornelia, Noble, Patsy, and old Nancy and her interest in the undivided life estate of Mrs. H.M. Varnedoe deceased late of Liberty County together with all of her right title and claims to in and for the above bargained property with improvements hereditaments, increase, and appurtenances thereunto belonging.” Witnessed by J.A. Crawford, F.H. Bowman, and L.L. Varnedoe Not. Pub. Recorded on December 1858 by S.A. Fraser, Clerk.

Source: Family Liberty County Superior Court “Deeds and mortgages, 1777-1920; general index to deeds and mortgages, 1777-1958,” Film: Deeds & Mortgages, v. O-P 1854-1870,” Record Book O, p 430-1. Image #263. (Link: