Enslaved Persons Named: Charlotte, Willy, Henry, Pinckney, Henry Patton, Mariah, Henry Beverly
On August 10, 1855, Robert S. Wilson, of Montgomery County, Alabama, transferred to James R. Bird of Liberty County, Georgia, “the following described negro slaves to wit woman Charlotte aged about seventeen and her child Willy aged about one year, man Henry aged about twenty three years, boy Pinckney aged about seventeen years, man Henry Patton aged about twenty two years, girl Mariah aged about fifteen years and man Henry Beverly aged about twenty five years and their increase.” He specified that this was “in trust to suffer and permit my wife Sarah A. Wilson to have use control and manage the said slaves and their increase and to have use enjoy their services and the profits of their labour during the joint lives or me the said Robert S. and the said Sarah A. and after my death should she survive then so long as she may live and remain unmarried….and for the support and education of our children Alice Wilson, Robert Ware Wilson, Waldo P. Wilson” and any other children to be begotten by Robert S. and born by Sarah A. Upon her death, the “said slaves and their increase” were to be divided among all of the children and their heirs. Includes detailed instructions on inheritance. “…if after the said comfortable support of my said wife and the support and education of my children a surplus shall remain that surplus shall be loaned at interest or vested in other slaves or property and no slave shall be sold or aliened except such as may be unprofitable or unmanageable, in which case such negro may be sold and the proceeds added to such other sum as may be necessary shall be vested in two other negroes in place of the one so sold, or in other productive property…” If Sarah A. died before Robert, all the slaves and their increase were to revert to Robert. Witnessed by W.L. Coleman, W.B. Ray. Signed by R.S. Wilson, M.D. Probated by Judge Hugh W. Watson of Montgomery County, Alabama. Recorded in Liberty County on August 20, 1855, by S.A. Fraser, C.S.C.
Source: Family Search.org. Liberty County Superior Court “Deeds and mortgages, 1777-1920; general index to deeds and mortgages, 1777-1958,” Film: Deeds & Mortgages, v. O-P 1854-1870,” Record Book O, pp. 130-2. Image #100-101. (Link: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-C3QP-RST5-B?i=99&cat=292358)